Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Some Guidance from Monsignor Joseph Roth P.A , South Carolina Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree Chaplain

Some “politicians” have brought forth the “counter gospel”. They downplay the gift of Life and proclaim the killing of little children in the womb is just fine! They have made Christians fearful of being mocked and try to push us all into a contraceptive mentality that destroys God’s gift of life.

Why do we let that happen? Why are we silent? Do the words of Jesus not come across clearly enough? “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”

My brothers and sisters; we are here because we have life and our parents or guardians protected that life. It is our duty to stop the nonsense that says innocent life can be destroyed at will, in the womb of the mother or torn from the womb to die.

Every child, regardless of size, color, shape, physical ability or mental ability, has a right to life that no one on earth has the authority to take away. Love Life! Protect Life! Sustain Life! It is God’s gift not ours! It is “wonderful in our eyes”. Let evil not prevail, but may the life-giving gift of a child, the most vulnerable of the vulnerable, be cherished and respected now and always!

Crimes against life are seen as a means of gathering votes for political office. Catholic Politicians are stating that the child in the womb is not a person and so it can be destroyed. Some say that even if an attempt was made for an unsuccessful abortion and the child is delivered, it may still be left to die! What in the name of all that is holy is our country coming to?

It is your duty and mine, to not be silent, but to stand up for the child who cannot yet even speak for himself or herself! Morality is defined by God and it is not up for a vote to determine its viability! WE must defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Evil is evil! Sin is Sin! You and I must be unafraid to defend the truth and to be people of life or one day my friend; someone not might, but will be determining your life-span.

We need to return to the love of Our Catholic Faith as given to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ! We need to re-dedicate our lives and our lifestyle to Jesus. We need to return to the teachings of Christ and His Church and not let these be trampled upon by politicians, even some who profess to be Catholics. We need to pray as a family! We need to make frequent use of the Sacrament of Penance (Confession). We need to be available for our children and not turn their education over to the State alone. We need time with our children and meaningful time. We need time for each other! Money and power are not bad, but they must be used for the good of all God’s people. As Catholics in America, it is for us to lead the way and proclaim the truth by what we say and what we do. We must lead by example. It must be our way of Life.

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