Monday, July 14, 2008

Elections Have Consequences

In her column “Let Common Sense Prevail”, Wanda Franz, Ph.D. President NRLC, points out that the pro-life movement must focus on getting Supreme Court justices appointed who are guided by the Constitution

In an election year, these efforts must be guided by plain common sense, as summarized in the following principles.

First, “elections have consequences.” Just recall how Bill Clinton wrecked the pro-life policies of his presidential predecessors, how he gave us judges such as Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Second, “there are no ideal candidates for political office”—or, at best, very few of them. Anyone who thinks that one day there will be a majority of saints running Capitol Hill is foolish.
Third, “the point is not to make a statement but a difference”—more accurately, a positive difference.

Fourth, “don’t fall in love with your candidate.” We all know candidates who are 100% pro-lifers, but have no chance of getting elected. …..close ranks behind the pro-life winner and support him in the general election.

Fifth, “the perfect is the enemy of the good.” By insisting on the unattainable we may lose the attainable. And when we lose as pro-lifers, babies die. The thing about pro-life common sense is that it compels you to act, instead of pontificating about your “principles.” Act

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