Ever wonder what part you are playing in today’s pro-life struggle? Cardinal Justin Rigali offers his insight. to pro-lifers about to March for Life in DC. “Tomorrow you will peacefully protest the injustice of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the 1973 Supreme Court cases that legalized abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. … … This year you are able to see the fruit of the work, which is the Knights of Columbus Incarnation Dome.
The Incarnation Dome is made up of 2.4 million pieces of colored glass—cut and assembled in Italian workshops, shipped over the Atlantic in 346 boxes, and painstakingly installed over the course of five months by master mosaic artists. [It] was a great undertaking that would not have been possible without the generosity of the Knights of Columbus and many others, and without the skills of the artists [and] craftsmen. … It took time to craft this massive undertaking that will inspire generations of pilgrims yet unborn.
You are all part of God’s great mosaic making his love visible in your families, parishes, schools, communities, workplaces and neighborhoods. You are the painstaking work of his hands–planned from the beginning of time and loved into existence by the Eternal Master Craftsman. He sends you out, to do your part in forming a vibrant mosaic on behalf of life. You must be the “rich color” he created you to be. You must play your role in his overarching design, and be patient with others as they seek to do the same. … The Incarnation Dome is not made of huge, impressive pieces of glass. Its beauty and impact lie in the intricate interplay of so many tiny pieces.” Vigil Mass for Life, Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, D.C.
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