We need God’s grace for a culture unwilling to hear the truth. Abortion kills a living human being, a person in its early development. The solution will not spring forth from a Culture of Relativism that wants to decide the rightness or wrongness without God’s guidance.
We must find compassion and recognize Truth (Jesus) where we find it and stand by that truth.
Abortion is a sin. (Thou shall not kill)
Sin entices its victim, offering some perceived good i.e. pleasure, happiness, security or convenience. Eventually sin wants the destruction of its victim. It wants you as its slave and then as its meal ticket.
Abortion kills and unborn human person. Man has no right to take an innocent life. It is wrong to deliberately kill an innocent person. (Deliberate and innocent are the key words) An innocent person is one who has done nothing to deserve death. All persons are human. You and I are persons. Human persons begin to grow immediately following conception.
It should be illegal to kill an unborn person. In the US, the Supreme Court has made a special class of unprotected people, the unborn. If it removed legal protections from Italians, or all short or heavy people there would no doubt be a great hue and cry for the rights of these classes of people and rightly so. At one time black slaves were an unprotected class. We are told that the Mother has a right to decide the life of her unborn child, but babies are not the property of their parents. The law tells mothers it is OK to abort (kill) their offspring, but babies are not pets to be sold and euthanized at the discretion of their mother.
We now have greater legal protection for certain animals than we do for unborn human persons. Try shooting a deer out of season or even clubbing a seal for its warm skin. Then wait for the hand of the law on your shoulder!
Unborn human children are the most innocent of all, totally dependent on the Mother, they never have an opportunity to do wrong. They are always a person, not when some decide to make them human. They are always innocent. They can be nurtured in life or victimized. Currently many are victimized children, aborted with no legal recourse available to them.
Since they are always innocent human persons, it is always wrong to kill them by abortion. This should be made clear especially to those alleged Catholics who claim to be pro-choice and still Catholic. The Catholic Church’s teachings are unmistakable on the question of abortion and life. Deliberate taking of life is always wrong.
Thankfully, our society still recognizes the right of young people to live. Are there any out there who would argue that the mother has a right to kill a born child of one or two years? Would we not consider it wrong to kill a two year old because he or she is inconvenient or unwanted? Why should an unborn person (just as human as a born person) be unprotected?
We must re-establish a culture that protects and nurtures all human life. We have an obligation to employ the arts of democratic persuasion to help reinstitute legal protection for all unborn children.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ever wonder what part you are playing in today’s pro-life struggle? Cardinal Justin Rigali offers his insight. to pro-lifers about to March for Life in DC. “Tomorrow you will peacefully protest the injustice of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the 1973 Supreme Court cases that legalized abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. … … This year you are able to see the fruit of the work, which is the Knights of Columbus Incarnation Dome.
The Incarnation Dome is made up of 2.4 million pieces of colored glass—cut and assembled in Italian workshops, shipped over the Atlantic in 346 boxes, and painstakingly installed over the course of five months by master mosaic artists. [It] was a great undertaking that would not have been possible without the generosity of the Knights of Columbus and many others, and without the skills of the artists [and] craftsmen. … It took time to craft this massive undertaking that will inspire generations of pilgrims yet unborn.
You are all part of God’s great mosaic making his love visible in your families, parishes, schools, communities, workplaces and neighborhoods. You are the painstaking work of his hands–planned from the beginning of time and loved into existence by the Eternal Master Craftsman. He sends you out, to do your part in forming a vibrant mosaic on behalf of life. You must be the “rich color” he created you to be. You must play your role in his overarching design, and be patient with others as they seek to do the same. … The Incarnation Dome is not made of huge, impressive pieces of glass. Its beauty and impact lie in the intricate interplay of so many tiny pieces.” Vigil Mass for Life, Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, D.C.
The Incarnation Dome is made up of 2.4 million pieces of colored glass—cut and assembled in Italian workshops, shipped over the Atlantic in 346 boxes, and painstakingly installed over the course of five months by master mosaic artists. [It] was a great undertaking that would not have been possible without the generosity of the Knights of Columbus and many others, and without the skills of the artists [and] craftsmen. … It took time to craft this massive undertaking that will inspire generations of pilgrims yet unborn.
You are all part of God’s great mosaic making his love visible in your families, parishes, schools, communities, workplaces and neighborhoods. You are the painstaking work of his hands–planned from the beginning of time and loved into existence by the Eternal Master Craftsman. He sends you out, to do your part in forming a vibrant mosaic on behalf of life. You must be the “rich color” he created you to be. You must play your role in his overarching design, and be patient with others as they seek to do the same. … The Incarnation Dome is not made of huge, impressive pieces of glass. Its beauty and impact lie in the intricate interplay of so many tiny pieces.” Vigil Mass for Life, Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, D.C.
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