Over the years I occasional stop to review my pro-life history going back to 1972 in NJ and aside from a few child raising limited pro-life activity years , there was no shortage of pro-life work to be done. Sometimes I would focus on one unborn child versus the millions to better my perspective. Judy Brown of A.L.L. has put into words a wonderful reminder to all of you who have participated in the Life culture.
“I often wonder how frequently we pro-lifers stop and consider the eternal value of what we do for the vulnerable in our midst. It is a noble cause that ignites our hearts as we struggle to defend those who are at risk. Yet this same cause places us squarely at the foot of the Cross as we suffer with Christ through the pain and agony that accompanies the many times each day that our words go unheard, our questions go unanswered and our actions go unnoticed by the world.
The killing continues at a massive rate; souls are mortally wounded in numbers we cannot fathom; but in the midst of these realities—the hardships that burden our hearts and sadden our Father God —there is hope.
We have been called by God for such a time as this because He loves us. He has given us the Spirit of Truth to enlighten our fellow human beings during this tragic time in mankind’s history. Jesus Christ has given us joy in recognizing that in Him all things are possible, even when it might seem like nothing is going our way.
He loves us and we in turn love those whose voices are being drowned out by headlines, tight schedules and blathering politicians. We are the men and women of life who speak for the little ones, the sickly, the disabled and the elderly. We are their voices; we are their emissaries; but most important of all, we are His. Let us never forget that through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God”.
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