Sunday, September 30, 2007

Over the years I occasional stop to review my pro-life history going back to 1972 in NJ and aside from a few child raising limited pro-life activity years , there was no shortage of pro-life work to be done. Sometimes I would focus on one unborn child versus the millions to better my perspective. Judy Brown of A.L.L. has put into words a wonderful reminder to all of you who have participated in the Life culture.
“I often wonder how frequently we pro-lifers stop and consider the eternal value of what we do for the vulnerable in our midst. It is a noble cause that ignites our hearts as we struggle to defend those who are at risk. Yet this same cause places us squarely at the foot of the Cross as we suffer with Christ through the pain and agony that accompanies the many times each day that our words go unheard, our questions go unanswered and our actions go unnoticed by the world.
The killing continues at a massive rate; souls are mortally wounded in numbers we cannot fathom; but in the midst of these realities—the hardships that burden our hearts and sadden our Father God —there is hope.
We have been called by God for such a time as this because He loves us. He has given us the Spirit of Truth to enlighten our fellow human beings during this tragic time in mankind’s history. Jesus Christ has given us joy in recognizing that in Him all things are possible, even when it might seem like nothing is going our way.
He loves us and we in turn love those whose voices are being drowned out by headlines, tight schedules and blathering politicians. We are the men and women of life who speak for the little ones, the sickly, the disabled and the elderly. We are their voices; we are their emissaries; but most important of all, we are His. Let us never forget that through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God”.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Right to Life and Abortion

The Right to Life and Abortion

The American Declaration of Independence states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception, its beginning. “From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life” (Catholic Catechism 2270).

How can we have liberty or pursue happiness without having life. Slavery is a great evil. Murder or abortion is a greater evil for it destroys all rights. The State did not create us, design us, or give us life. Nor did it give us the right to life. Therefore the State cannot take away that right. All persons, not just some, have a “natural right” to life simply because of their nature, because of what they are: human persons. (in all stages from embryo to old age)

(In 1973 when the Supreme Court ruled that it was legal to kill an unborn human being it did it without a right to do so. This nation has struggled with this issue and will do so until this immoral and illegal action can be reversed to return our country to a moral footing regarding human life. )

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Patroness of the Unborn

Our Lady of Guadalupe Patroness of the Unborn.

In December 1531, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to an Indian named Juan Diego on three occasions. At the last apparition Juan was instructed to gather flowers from the top of the hill. Despite the freezing conditions he found the flowers, brought them to Our Lady who arranged them for him in his poncho. Juan returned to his bishop. When the flowers fell out of his poncho, all present saw an image of Our Lady on the poncho (tilma).

This image is preserved to this day. In the image, Our Lady is pregnant, carrying the Son of God in her womb. The sash she wore reveals her pregnancy. Her head is bowed in homage, to the God she bears and she worships the one true God. Our Lady is carrying God within her womb. He is alive but unborn. Juan referred to her as "Te Coatlaxopeuh," which means "she who crushes the stone serpent."

Human sacrifice was prevalent in those days. Millions of Aztec Indians were converted by the power of this image. With Our Lady of Guadalupe among them they ended the practice of human sacrifice. Horror stories came from this practice of killing in unimaginable ways those destined for sacrifice.

Is the abortion practice in the US any different than the killing of old? Will we have enough faith in our hearts so that Our Lady, Patroness of the Unborn, can be instrumental in ending the human sacrifice of our time?

In the United States of America, right next to the land where Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared, more than a million and a half children are killed every year. 49 million babies were executed by abortion after abortion was decriminalized in 1973.

These killings, no longer take place in top of hills in open air for all the people see and hear, but are hidden from all except the few personnel of the abortion providers, in facilities that can be found in many cases in shopping centers. We kill our preborn babies in many horrific ways, by vacuum aspirations or MVA; dilation and suctions curettage or D&C; saline amniocentesis, or salt poisoning abortions; D&E; “brain suction” or “D&X” methods. The little bodies of the victims are then thrown in dumpsters, incinerated, or sent to be used for research which, under the pretext of scientific or medical progress, thus reducing human life to the level of simple “biological material”.

Our Lady of Guadalupe has been declared the "Patroness of the Unborn." by Pope John Paul II the Great. Today she speaks to us who defend life, the same words she addressed to Juan Diego: "Hear and let it penetrate your hearts, my dear little ones. Let nothing discourage you, nothing depress you; let nothing alter your heart or your countenance. Do not fear vexation, anxiety or pain. Am I not here, your Mother? Are you not in the folds of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else that you need?"

Saturday, January 06, 2007


I constantly question how we got to this point not only where it is legal to kill an innocent child in the mother’s womb but also where the law doesn’t require that the woman who is condemning her child to death does not have to be informed that the abortion may cause great pain to her unborn child. This recently defeated bill, the UNBORN PAIN act would have told women considering an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy that the unborn child has the ability to feel severe and intense pain. It would have provided women who want an abortion with the opportunity to give the baby anesthesia to at least alleviate the pain the baby will feel during the procedure.
Wendy Wright, President of concerned women of America said Abortion not only kills a baby, it tortures them. “We hope that women will have compassion on their child when they learn their baby will experience extreme pain and choose instead for their baby to feel the loving touch of an embrace," she said. "Regrettably, congressmen – many who denounced the use of torture against suspected terrorists – have voted to not let women know that abortion will torture their innocent unborn babies," Wright added. We are at point in our history where we show more concern over our animal pets than for our brothers and sisters. We often read where some one was fined and even imprisoned for mistreatment of animals all around the country.

On a recent trip to Huntington State Park, Myrtle Beach, SC I noticed a list of regulations posted to protect the animals and birds that live there. It is against the law to shine a light on the face of a turtle at night for it will confuse them causing them grief. Why can’t this concern be available for unborn children? “What kind of an animal is an unborn child? An unprotected animal! (George Orwell in animal Farm wrote “all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”) I am afraid that our country is becoming too comfortable de valuing human life. Pray that I am wrong! Bob