Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Long Haul

We just lost a political battle to preserve the headway made against Roe v Wade in 1973. People in the pro-life movement will find wisdom in the comments of one of our leaders.

We are in this movement for the long haul. Our work does not depend on political successes or failures. We do what we do because it is right and we are called by God to do it. Pro-life work has been and will continue to be a long haul, but our strength is that we never give up. Pro-Lifers NEVER give up! We do not run in vain nor labor in vain. Our task now is to expand and strengthen our county chapters, a task already underway. We will keep South Carolina a pro-life state. We are and will continue to be the resistance movement to the culture of death. Let us this day recommit our lives to prayer, work, and especially to gratitude so that we truly may “shine like lights in the world.” Innocent unborn babies and the medically vulnerable members of our human family need us now more than ever. Holly Gatling Ex. Dir SCCL

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