Sunday, April 16, 2006

He is risen

He is risen.

Why is this important to a person who does not believe Jesus Christ is God made man?

Because there is one God Who revealed Himself in His son, Jesus Christ, there is one salvation history, centered on Christ.

God gives everyone the grace (means) necessary to be saved (attain Heaven) including those who never even heard of Jesus Christ.

Yet everyone who is saved is saved because of what Jesus Christ did for the world and humanity in Jesus Christ.

This may not be easy to accept in our current culture that rates tolerance above all other virtues, there is a tendency to be indifferent to Truth and the truth of things. Our culture feels there are your truth and my truth, their truth and our truth.

In this I’m OK you’re OK society, the world and Christianity stands on the answer to the age old question He asked “who do you say that I am”.

( For a more in depth reading on this subject see “ The Truth of Catholicism by George Weigel.)

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