Resolve to make a difference in 2009!
One hour a week saving precious lives at an abortion clinic, Planned Parenthood or a Pregnancy Center.
Boycott companies that fund Planned Parenthood and the Homosexual Agenda!
Write at least three letters a month to elected officials, letters to the editor and/or companies that fund the "Culture of Death".
Become better informed on the critical issues of our time, speak-up and defend Life, Family and Faith!
Watch at least 50% less TV, devoting the time in growing our faith, and putting our faith into action
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The findings also highlighted the differences between Catholics who attend Mass on a regular basis and those who do not. According to the poll, 65 percent of the Catholic population attends Mass at least “once or twice a month.” Of those, 59 percent describe themselves as “pro-life.” In contrast, only 29 percent of non-practicing Catholics describe themselves as such. Of note, the study found that non-practicing Catholics are more likely to call themselves “pro-choice” than the general U.S. population. Whereas 65 percent of non-practicing Catholics consider themselves to be pro-choice, 50 percent of Americans say the same thing.
For copy of complete article go to Columbia on line at
The findings also highlighted the differences between Catholics who attend Mass on a regular basis and those who do not. According to the poll, 65 percent of the Catholic population attends Mass at least “once or twice a month.” Of those, 59 percent describe themselves as “pro-life.” In contrast, only 29 percent of non-practicing Catholics describe themselves as such. Of note, the study found that non-practicing Catholics are more likely to call themselves “pro-choice” than the general U.S. population. Whereas 65 percent of non-practicing Catholics consider themselves to be pro-choice, 50 percent of Americans say the same thing.
For copy of complete article go to Columbia on line at
“If President-elect Barack Obama goes through with his campaign pledge to sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act, holy hell is going to break loose”, began Ray Kerrison of the New York Post in his December article on FOCA. He noted that:
FOCA may be the most radical social legislation in decades. It seeks to strip every last restraint from abortion - outlawing states’ requirements for waiting periods, informed consent or parental consent; preventing health and safety regulation of abortion clinics and abortionists and even ending restrictions on partial-birth abortion.
With one stroke of the president’s pen, it would nullify every one of the 330 or so federal, state and local abortion laws on the books, most of them supported by a majority of Americans.
And that’s just the start. The law would also compel taxpayers to fund abortions and provide abortions in military hospitals. Most provocatively of all, it would force religious hospital and health-care institutions to perform abortions in violation of their convictions.
The Catholic Church, for one, won’t stand for it. The ranking American prelate to the Holy See, James Cardinal Stafford, denounced Obama’s vision as “aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic.”
The US bishops have always been united in their moral condemnation of abortion. But they have stopped short of flexing political muscle, evading a head-on confrontation. That may now change. Chicago’s Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Paprocki went further. He said flatly that if the Obama administration attempted to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions, they’d shut them down rather than comply. “There are grave consequences,” he said. “It would not be sufficient to sell them to someone who would perform abortions. That would be a morally unacceptable cooperation in evil.”
“If President-elect Barack Obama goes through with his campaign pledge to sign into law the Freedom of Choice Act, holy hell is going to break loose”, began Ray Kerrison of the New York Post in his December article on FOCA. He noted that:
FOCA may be the most radical social legislation in decades. It seeks to strip every last restraint from abortion - outlawing states’ requirements for waiting periods, informed consent or parental consent; preventing health and safety regulation of abortion clinics and abortionists and even ending restrictions on partial-birth abortion.
With one stroke of the president’s pen, it would nullify every one of the 330 or so federal, state and local abortion laws on the books, most of them supported by a majority of Americans.
And that’s just the start. The law would also compel taxpayers to fund abortions and provide abortions in military hospitals. Most provocatively of all, it would force religious hospital and health-care institutions to perform abortions in violation of their convictions.
The Catholic Church, for one, won’t stand for it. The ranking American prelate to the Holy See, James Cardinal Stafford, denounced Obama’s vision as “aggressive, disruptive and apocalyptic.”
The US bishops have always been united in their moral condemnation of abortion. But they have stopped short of flexing political muscle, evading a head-on confrontation. That may now change. Chicago’s Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Paprocki went further. He said flatly that if the Obama administration attempted to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortions, they’d shut them down rather than comply. “There are grave consequences,” he said. “It would not be sufficient to sell them to someone who would perform abortions. That would be a morally unacceptable cooperation in evil.”
Dignitas Personae (The Dignity of a Person), an Instruction from the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) on ethical issues arising from biomedical research, provides guidance on how to respect human life and human procreation in our heavily scientific age, said Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"We welcome the Instruction as theologians, medical personnel, researchers and married couples consider new scientific and medical procedures that have profound ethical implications bearing upon the procreation of children and the integrity of marriage," Cardinal George said in a December 12 statement. "We applaud developments which advance medical progress with respect for the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception," he said. "We oppose discarding or manipulating innocent lives to benefit future generations, or promoting the creation of new human life in depersonalized ways that substitute for the loving union between a husband and wife."
Dignitas Personae (The Dignity of a Person), an Instruction from the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) on ethical issues arising from biomedical research, provides guidance on how to respect human life and human procreation in our heavily scientific age, said Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
"We welcome the Instruction as theologians, medical personnel, researchers and married couples consider new scientific and medical procedures that have profound ethical implications bearing upon the procreation of children and the integrity of marriage," Cardinal George said in a December 12 statement. "We applaud developments which advance medical progress with respect for the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception," he said. "We oppose discarding or manipulating innocent lives to benefit future generations, or promoting the creation of new human life in depersonalized ways that substitute for the loving union between a husband and wife."
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