I constantly question how we got to this point not only where it is legal to kill an innocent child in the mother’s womb but also where the law doesn’t require that the woman who is condemning her child to death does not have to be informed that the abortion may cause great pain to her unborn child. This recently defeated bill, the UNBORN PAIN act would have told women considering an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy that the unborn child has the ability to feel severe and intense pain. It would have provided women who want an abortion with the opportunity to give the baby anesthesia to at least alleviate the pain the baby will feel during the procedure.
Wendy Wright, President of concerned women of America said Abortion not only kills a baby, it tortures them. “We hope that women will have compassion on their child when they learn their baby will experience extreme pain and choose instead for their baby to feel the loving touch of an embrace," she said. "Regrettably, congressmen – many who denounced the use of torture against suspected terrorists – have voted to not let women know that abortion will torture their innocent unborn babies," Wright added. We are at point in our history where we show more concern over our animal pets than for our brothers and sisters. We often read where some one was fined and even imprisoned for mistreatment of animals all around the country.
On a recent trip to Huntington State Park, Myrtle Beach, SC I noticed a list of regulations posted to protect the animals and birds that live there. It is against the law to shine a light on the face of a turtle at night for it will confuse them causing them grief. Why can’t this concern be available for unborn children? “What kind of an animal is an unborn child? An unprotected animal! (George Orwell in animal Farm wrote “all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”) I am afraid that our country is becoming too comfortable de valuing human life. Pray that I am wrong! Bob